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Fine-pitch gratings: master fabrication and imprinting (e.g. for sensing or augmented reality)


Design and fabrication of blazed gratings for a waveguide-type head mounted display.
"Mattelin, M.-A., Radosavljevic, A., Missinne, J., Cuypers, D., & Van Steenberge, G. (2020). OPTICS EXPRESS28(8), 11175–11190."

Imprinted polymer-based guided mode resonance grating strain sensors.
Mattelin, M.-A., Missinne, J., De Coensel, B., & Van Steenberge, G. (2020). SENSORS20(11).

Low-loss single mode waveguides, Bragg grating sensors and precision alignment features and devices


Laser Written Glass Interposer for Fiber Coupling to Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits.
"A. Desmet, A. Radosavljević, J. Missinne, D. Van Thourhout and G. Van Steenberge, "Laser Written Glass Interposer for Fiber Coupling to Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits," in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-12, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3039900."

Femtosecond laser-inscribed non-volatile integrated optical switch in fused silica based on microfluidics-controlled total internal reflection.
Radosavljevic A, Desmet A, Missinne J, Saurav K, Panapakkam V, Tuccio S, et al. Femtosecond laser-inscribed non-volatile integrated optical switch in fused silica based on microfluidics-controlled total internal reflection. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 2020;38(15):3965–73.